Many who leave the keep never return; indeed it is often seen as miraculous should a party of explorers return with all unharmed. With so many leaving and so few returning moral is not so much low as absent. Were it not for the need of supplies, and the knowledge that leaving will lead to a slow death, I suspect that none would remain at the fort.
As it is those who return often bare heavier wounds than those that felled their missing companions. Broken beings who have given up all hope, consumed and riddled by survivors guilt, it is not uncommon to find the hemp embraced remains of those who sought a different way out.
In this place hope does not exist. Within the world of Moonshadow there is so little to hope for: a painless death, to die without rising; to sleep without nightmares; the light of all three moons on one's watch. Such dark hopes seem almost fitting to a world without true sunlight.