A Murmur of Moonshadow: Moon-dew

It has already been said that dew left by the mists upon runes proved to be an effective weapon against some of the forest's more troublesome inhabitants; this led to the false hope that perhaps one need but pour water over runes to imbue it with these effects. Such experiments were utter failures, those who perpetrated them quickly fell to the abberations they had sought to silence.

The potency of moon-dew, and indeed its effects, varied based on which moons exerted their fell influence at the moment of harvest. The type of rune the dew is collected from determines its primary effect, though the sisters of madness always add their own twisted touch.

Dew gathered under the light of Despair drives back the dead, but inflicts deep depression upon the living. Droplets gathered under the light of Cruor delivers disturbing dreams that quickly draw their unwitting author to madness, though it will heal their body of all wounds. Dew gathered under the influence of Shadow withers the plant-life of the forest, though it can also blind a man in a sufficient dose.
